Colorchef is color-utility website to help out designers and developers.

Color generator
Don't worry about background and text colors.
Use our color generator to generate good contrast ratio between your text and background colors.
Forget about all that hassle to figure out colors for your shadows.
Soft shadows are one-click away. Shadow generator helps you to get better shadows from your primary color.
Shadow generator
Dark Palette generator
Dark mode is the current UI trendsetter.
Want to reduce your efforts of selecting double of every color for dark mode, just use dark palette generator and relax.
Buttons are important.
Button generator will take care of all the colors for you. Just provide primary color and quickly get fancy button styles.
Buttons generator
Golden Ratio generator
Get better palettes.
Selecting proper combination of colors is difficult, we agree. That’s where the golden ratio generator steps up the game of colors.
About us.
Colorchef helps in generating better colors with better contrast. We provide different utilities useful for designer and developers.